Monday, September 7, 2009

3rd Week of Class: Underutilized Code

Part of our homework for MIST 7500 has been HTML tutorials. At one point in the tutorial for this week the voice over says that the code for tables they're about to show is underutilized. With the exception of regular frames, I think the same could be said about all of the code in this tutorial when it comes to my own web development experience.

I had completely forgotten about cols and colgroups. It's been a while since I've had to build a table from scratch but I still can't recall why I stopped using colgroups. Is it a deprecated tag? No, it isn't deprecated. I couldn't think of why I'd stopped using it.

Then I checked the lab assignment in Firefox.

Firefox recognizes the width attribute in a col tag but not align. Align is deprecated so I try an inline style and it still doesn't work. I'm not sure if that's why I stopped using them but I'd love to know why Firefox doesn't support this.

I thought for a second that Firefox didn't support accesskey either but I figured out that if you use ALT + SHIFT and the letter it works. I haven't noticed many sites using accesskeys.

Although I've seen and used variables in mailto links it seems like most people don't want anything pre-filled, at least not in a normal link.

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