Wednesday, September 16, 2009

4th Week of Class: Storage Options

I need to correct something I said about the assigned weekly in my first post. I said that the required weekly post would be about "topics discussed in class or reading material". In fact, the requirement for the weekly post is that it be about something we learned that's related to our Internet Technology classes.

This news came the RSS feed for the W3C, one of 25 I subscribed to through Google Reader as part of last weeks assignment.

The Rich Web Client Group recently released Working Drafts: one for Web Storage and one for Web Database. (Learn about W3C Activities) Each is related to storing information on the Internet.

The Web Storage Draft defines an API that will hold information similarly to how a cookie does, in key-value pairs, but seeks to overcome some of the problems and limitations that cookies have. The draft gives a couple of examples of the problems that can happen with using cookies and I have had the issue they point out in the airline ticket example happen to me before.

The Web Database Draft defines an API for adding and accessing information in databases. This draft shows some example code at the beginning. It never names a language so maybe they intend for it to be language independent.

Each will be dependent on HTML5* and WebIDL, neither of which are finished yet. I guess I shouldn't expect to see either finished anytime soon.

*The review comment form on this page is nifty.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. I'll have to check that out. I'm wondering if it relates to the Cloud Computing trend.
